Set in the idyllic countryside of Ballogie Estate, next to the scenic South Deeside Road (B976), less than an hour from Aberdeen and halfway between Banchory and Aboyne on Royal Deeside, this unique gallery is an unexpected find in the middle of nowhere!
From Banchory either take the A93 towards Aboyne, turn left over the Potarch Bridge, follow the main road for 2 miles past Potarch Lodge, turn left at the "T" junction and the gallery is 1 mile down the road on the left. Alternatively you can take the B976 towards the Falls of Feugh and continue past towards Strachan and Finzean. Drive through both Strachan and Finzean. The gallery is then located in the next village on the right hand side, approximately 3 miles from Finzean.
From Aboyne either take the A93 towards Aberdeen, drive through Kincardine O'Neil for 2 miles and turn right over the Potarch Bridge. Follow the main road for 2 miles past Potarch Lodge, turn left at the "T" junction and the gallery is 1 mile down the road on the left. Alternatively you can cross the River Dee at Aboyne, turn left heading towards the Cairn O'Mount, follow this road (B976) for 5 miles and you will find us on the left hand side.
Once you arrive at the gallery you will find ample free parking, also suitable for small coaches. We have a ‘Welcome All’ policy at The Butterworth Gallery and we look forward to welcoming visitors who have a disability. We are keen to promote access to the gallery and for our guests with disabilities, to gain as full an experience as possible within the constraints that the local environment and our type of attraction allow.